The soul of man has three components: the will, the emotions, and the mind. The will is the decision-maker, the leader, the one that chooses. The emotion is the one that feels. The mind is the one that thinks. Your emotions are the closest to your body. For example, you may not feel good about someone or otherwise. However, emotions are not supposed to guide you; they are just to give you information to analyse.
You must understand that God didn’t give us emotions to direct us. God gave us emotions to function just like any fact-finding instrument, to obtain the facts and then analyse the facts for decisions and steps to be taken. The devil wants to reduce human beings by moving them to follow their emotions. We are not to follow our feelings. You are supposed to subject the thoughts that come to your mind to test and check where they are coming from, God or the devil.
Thoughts come to your mind from God, yourself, the devil, and the world around you. You must check if the thought coming to you is sound or not and also ascertain where it is coming from. If it is coming from around you, is it safe? If it is coming from inside you, is it sound? You are to bring your thoughts under the analytical instrument of the Holy Spirit. If a thought is not of God, we cast it down by the word of God. Thoughts are not to be fought by other thoughts; you fight negative thoughts with the Word of God.
PRAYER: Lord, I bring my will under the leadership of the Holy Spirit today in Jesus’ name. Amen.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 28:16-29:40; Luke 3:23-38; Psalm 62:1-12; Proverbs 11:18-19
Beloved of God,
Greetings of love in Jesus name!
You are specially invited to the upcoming 48th edition of All Nations Women Congress on World Evangelization (ANWC).
It is a special feast of the Lord for all females….
Date: 18th – 19th March, 2022 (Friday – Saturday)
Time: Friday (5pm-9pm) & Saturday (7am-3pm)
Venue: Dream Centre Of the Life Oasis International Church HQ, Km 4 Gbongan-Osogbo Expressway, Osun State, Nigeria.
Ministering: Rev (Mrs) Oyenike Areogun (Host)
Enquiries: +2348059533180, +2348037785698, +2348033506866, +2349079912254
Register via – www.solaareogunministries.org/anwc/
Life streaming available @ www.lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org/streaming, www.soundcloud.com/solaareogun, www.dciradio.org, YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries
Come, all things are yours!
Come, all things are ready!!!