
08 August 2023: LET YOUR FAITH RISE THROUGH THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORD OF GOD – Ecclesiastes 9:11; Joshua 1:8


The spirit of faith feeds on and is fuelled by the knowledge of the things of God, the ways of God, and the truths of the word of God. So, soak yourself in them and get them at every opportunity you have. Do you know that when you find yourself in precarious situations, the testimonies God has previously given you serve as a reminder and a source of comfort that those testimonies can be repeated if you would believe them? I’m not encouraging students not to study well or anyone not to commit to hard work, 

but there is a dimension to life beyond human understanding and effort.

From Ecclesiastes 9:11, God gave me an equation years ago, which I wrote down. He said, “The equation of life is not 2 + 2 = 4, but 2 + x = the answer, where x is a variable determined by the supernatural force working for or against a man.” The equation of some people’s lives is always 2 + 2 < 4 (less than four) because a supernatural force is working against them, while for some 2 + 2 > 4 (greater than four) due to divine contributions to their lives. The latter should be the believer’s testimony.

You can’t explain how Joseph entered Egypt as a three-times-sold slave standing on the slave blocks, without clothes, knowing nobody, and without any rights but became the prime minister of the entire country 13 years later. This happened because there was something on him no one could see; it was the force of divine covenant. If God can do that for Joseph, then your case is not hopeless.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive grace for daily fuelling and feeding the life of faith in me by increasing meditation on Your word. Amen!

Ezra 7:1-8:20; 1 Corinthians 4:1-21; Psalm 30:1-12; Proverbs 20:28-30

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