
05 January 2024: FOLLOWING THE LEADING OF THE SPIRIT – Romans 8:14; 2 Corinthians 5:7

There are some decisive subjects in the Bible that if you don’t understand, you will have difficulty enjoying the Christian life. One of such decisive subjects is faith. You must understand how to live by faith. The bible says, “The just shall live by his faith” (Hab. 2:4).

Another decisive subject is how to be led by the Holy Spirit. If you can get these two together and understand them very well, you can be sure you’re going to pass every other subject in the school of life.

There are also some things and some personalities that God does not want us to follow. God does not want us to follow our body. The bible says, “For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor. 5:7).

Therefore, when there is a conflict between our sight and faith, we should go with faith, though a lot of people still walk by sight.

In Romans 8:14, sonship is where leading is. It is when a man has become the son of God that he is leadable, and there’s a difference between being leadable and being led. If a person is not born-again, God can’t lead him. When somebody is born-again, his spirit is alive, and God can turn that person and move him. He’s a son of God and he is leadable.


PRAYER: Lord, I want to be led, I want to know how You lead and when I know how You lead, I’m going to submit myself to the process of divine leading so that I can be led and when I’m led, I can enjoy the benefits of sonship.

Genesis 11:1-13:4, Matthew 5:1-26, Psalm 5:1-12, Proverbs 1:24-28

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