Jesus wants to make us to be meek and lowly in heart, not lowly in body or mind. Lowly in mind means uneducated; not aspiring to improve self. Lowly in body means slavish. But lowly in heart means humble, not one that will exalt self. You need to understand that God wants to work on your heart; He wants you to have Jesus’ kind of heart.
“Meek” is not the same as “weak”. Meekness is that condition where a man has come to a place to accept that the choice of God for his life is the best for him; “What my Father is doing with me is what is good for me”. It has nothing to do with weakness, it simply means: “I come to find out that nobody is wiser than my Father, and whatever choice He makes over me is based on what He has seen that I can’t see. So I go with His choice.”
The greatest battle for the human race was not fought on the cross of Calvary but at Gethsemane. There, Jesus prayed three times and said, “Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me.” But God said “No”. He prayed the second time and the Father still said no. At the third time, He said, “Father, not as I will but Thy will be done.” Jesus submitted to the will of the Father using His faith.
The greatest battle for the human race was about whose will would prevail – Jesus’ will or the Father’s will. The greatest battle in your life is not the battle against sickness or poverty; it is the battle against whose will prevails: your will or God’s will? Anytime your will doesn’t align with God’s will, like Jesus, you must learn to say, “Not as I will but as You will Lord”
PRAYER: Like Jesus, I receive the courage to surrender my will to the will of the Father.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 26:17-27:46, Matthew 9:1-17, Psalm 10:16-18, Proverbs 3:9-10