Prevailing prayer is that prayer that enforces God’s will. Enforcing the will of God on the earth can majorly be achieved through prayer. We pray to enforce God’s will on earth as it is in heaven. The will of God is clear in heaven; there is no contention in heaven or any contrary opinion. However, because of the fall of Adam and the subsequent transfer of the legal authority that God gave man to the devil, man has to pray to know God’s will and enforce it on the earth.
If you don t know how to effectively enforce and pray God’s will into your life and affairs, the devil will take advantage and do his will in your life and environment. That is why many people are in trouble today.
However, things can be changed through praying according to God’s will.
The Bible emphasizes that the will of God must be done on earth as it is in heaven (Mat. 6:10).
Sickness and poverty don t exist in heaven because they are not in God’s will. Through prayer, you can enforce the will of God for health, wealth, and riches. Prayer can be used to deal with any subject in your life that is currently contrary to God’s will. Seek out God’s will in the Bible concerning any matter and then enforce it in the place of prayer. The will of God is not your reasoning or opinion, nor is it tradition or norm. It is also not the way people say or feel. It is only God’s will that must be done on earth and this can be enforced in the place of prayer.
PRAYER: Lord, I reject and reverse every experience in my life that is contrary to Your will for me as a believer, in Jesus name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Lamentations 3:1-66; Hebrews 1:1-14; Psalm 102:1-28; Proverbs 26:21-22 (Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: http://bible.us/r/AQT)
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