

Apart from your intercession assignment to pray for your man of God, every believer has an intercession assignment in their scope of operation. If you are somewhere, your voice must rise to God on behalf of every person that is there, bringing darkness down and lifting light up. In the Bible, some men bound themselves with an oath and said that “…they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul (Act. 23:12)”. Likewise, I see God raising a counter-army that will say, “We will not eat until the fullness of the Word that has been spoken by my Father comes to pass. I will not eat every Thursday. I am going to stand in the gap until I see the fullness of the riches of God’s glory in this house and the life of His servant.” Some people will have that as their assignment.

God is raising you to set a time apart and begin to stand in the gap for the servant of the Lord.

If God raised you as an intercessor over those unsaved family members and relatives, God will hold you accountable if they go to hell.

You are supposed to lift your voice over their names in prayer every day, commanding darkness to give way and calling them out of darkness into light until God sends an Andrew their way to bring them to Jesus.

You cannot see that all of them in your workplace are unbelievers and do nothing about it; God will hold you responsible! If God puts you in their midst, it is so that He can work through you and your prayer is a major tool He will use.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I commit to stand in the gap until I see the fullness of the riches of Your glory birthed in my world. Thank You for Your grace. Amen!

Leviticus 20:22-22:16; Mark 9:1-29; Psalm 43:1-5; Proverbs 10:18

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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