When God wants to eliminate weakness from your life, He brings somebody or joins you with somebody strong where you are weak. So, if you are the kind of person that never acknowledges that anything is wrong with you, always feels you are a perfect person and you don’t need anybody’s contribution, you will remain weak and small.
Carry out a weakness and strength assessment test of yourself and your spouse and make up your mind to maximise the benefit of your union.
For some couples, the wife has a very sharp tongue but the husband is calm and reserved. So, when the woman is on fire, the man would just say, “Be careful!” That is the kind of man that woman needs.
When I look at some couples, I give credit to the spouses because they are best suited for each other. That is the wisdom of God in bringing two people together to eliminate their weaknesses. Some husbands don’t care about their appearance. They can wear one shirt for 16 years and give it to a tailor to mend the torn collar. It’s not that these men can’t buy another one, but they are just attached to that one shirt and care less what people say.
My candid advice to any woman that marries such a man is to target such faded cloth, soak it in water, and tell him that you want to wash it for him when he asks for it. Then suggest another cloth that he can wear.
PRAYER: Lord, make my marital union stronger. I make up my mind to maximise the benefit of my union with my spouse in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Joel 1:1-3:21; Revelation 1:1-20; Psalm 128:1-6; Proverbs 29:18
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