In our passage today, Jesus testified of Nathanael as a man in whom there was no guile. Another translation puts it as a man of complete integrity (NLT) or a man with no deceit in him (NKJV).
Can Jesus say of you, “Behold, a Christian indeed in whom there is no guile”? When I read that Scripture many years ago, it hooked my spirit and I said, “Lord, this is how I want my spirit to be – no guile. I want You to keep working on me and my spirit until I arrive at that description as close as I can get to in the flesh.”
In intercession, the Holy Spirit reveals the mind of God, and you birth it forth. The person the Holy Ghost will mantle upon to use his or her spirit to birth the deep things of God is one whose spirit, soul, including body, is well tolerated in God’s presence.
Psalm 15 tells us about the criteria for anyone that will be fit to stand before God and approach His throne for anything at all: one who has separated himself or herself from everything that defiles. Such a person walks uprightly and in righteousness: he or she speaks the truth from the heart and not with the mouth; does not backbite with his tongue; does not do evil to his neighbour; does not take reproach against his neighbour.
There are conditions to stand in intercessions and you need to look inwards and ask yourself if the way you are living your life now stirs up the Holy Ghost or shuts Him down.
PRAYER: Lord, continue to work in me until I arrive at the place where I can be labelled as a man with no guile in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 12:1-14:11; Hebrews 7:1-17; Psalm 105:37-45; Proverbs 27:3
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