
27 August 2022: THANKING GOD BEFORE THE ANSWER MANIFESTS (1) – Romans 4:20

This step is another very critical step to receiving your manifestation. Begin to give thanks to God before the answer manifests. Abraham came into this revelation of giving thanks to God and discovered a means of strengthening his faith. He became stronger in faith by giving glory to God, thanking God in advance without seeing the answer yet. That is not a reasonable thing to do for a man in expectation. However, don’t forget that it may not make human sense but it makes faith sense.

How can I thank God for a miracle when it is not yet done? That’s where faith comes in; that is FAITH SENSE. You must understand that God operates in the now. There is nothing like yesterday, today, and tomorrow with God (Heb. 13:8). Yesterday, today, and tomorrow deal with a man. As far as God is concerned, yesterday is now, today is now, and tomorrow is now. So, if God says it is done, it is done.

When God told Abraham, “I have made you the father of many nations (Rom. 4:17a)” God was talking to a man that physically speaking had no child, whose wife was barren. God said, “I have made you…” not “…going to make you…” God spoke in the past tense to Abraham as if it was done because in the sight of God it was done. Abraham then had to believe God in the physical realm using faith to bring his spiritual reality into manifestation, and that is what every child of God with a promise from God has to do. Abraham knew what God said would work and he worked it.

PRAYER: Help me Lord to always see reasons to thank You while waiting for the answer to manifest in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Job 23:1-27:23; 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11; Psalm 41:1-13; Proverbs 22:5-6

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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