Beloved, we are at war! Christianity is active warfare against the devil and his cohorts, not a “Sunday Fashion Contest”. The devil hates you, hates God, and wants to ruin your life. The worst thing you can do as a soldier is to approach a battlefield unaware and unprepared for an ongoing war. Sadly enough, this is how most Christians are. Paul deals extensively with this subject in the book of Ephesians 6:10-18.
There are some key points I want to show you from this scripture as it relates to spiritual warfare and you being a soldier for God these last days.
A. You need to be prepared to stand against the wiles of the devil.
B. We wrestle against principalities and powers, not human beings. The true enemy is not in flesh and blood. You must deal with the spirit operating through human beings.
C. There would be an “evil day” when it seems like all hell just broke loose in your direction and you must be able to withstand those evil forces on that day. Develop the stamina to stand now.
D. To conduct spiritual warfare properly, you must arm yourself with the following things: truth, righteousness, the Gospel of peace, faith, salvation, and God’s word. All these things work hand-in-hand to help you effectively conduct spiritual warfare.
E. Lastly, you must take your prayer life very seriously. Develop the stamina to be able to pray for a long time by praying for long. Ensure you get to the point of being able to pray for at least one hour in a day.
PRAYER: I receive the grace to be an effective soldier for the Lord these last days in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 4:1-6:11; Romans 7:1-13; Psalm 17:1-15; Proverbs 19:22-23