
14 August 2024: ATTRIBUTES OF A MAN DESTINED TO SUCCEED (1) – PROVERBS 26:13-16; LUKE 14:28-29

1.Be responsible: God has designed you to be better than what you are now. Paul was a lawyer and member of the Sanhedrin, but God had designed him to be an Apostle. He did not become what God designed Him to be until he decided to follow the Lord. Then God brought him to Ananias to learn and understand the totality of what he was designed for. If you are currently in a wrong church, God will not release the totality of your design to you there. It is your responsibility to yield to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

Do not settle for the lowest level of what you should become. Stretch yourself to reach the peak of what God designed you for.

2. Avoid laziness: Many Christians have left this planet with their installed capacity without manifesting anything on the earth. They are like the servant the Master gave one talent and he buried it. Do not bury your installed capacity that God wired you with. Do not be lazy in your work, prayer, exercising your faith, studying, meditating, and confessing the word. Some Christians are wallowing in ancestral poverty, failure, and mediocrity due to laziness. Arise, fight, and take your place among the great (Judges 18:9).

3. Prepare: What training are you going through? The training you are going through will prepare you for what you are destined to become. Start working towards what God has destined you for. Get on the road early. Early visions make for great journeys in life. Late visions produce redemption of lost years. Success is not supposed to be a miracle to you as a Christian, but it is supposed to be a by-product of living your normal Christian life, so live ready!

PRAYER: Lord, I receive grace to exert myself to achieve all that you have purposed me to become. I refuse to be lesser than what you designed me to be.

Nehemiah 7:73-9:21, 1 Corinthians 9:1-18, Psalm 33:12-22, Proverbs 21:11-12


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