From verse 15 of the Scripture above, it is clear we received the Spirit of adoption when we were brought into the Kingdom of God as His children. It is available for us to receive and if you are genuinely born again, you have received it. There is a Spirit inside us that cries “Abba Father”, saying that we are children of God. However, the fullness of our adoption will come at the rapture when our bodies and callings are fully redeemed.
I want you to begin to think of yourself not just as a biological creation of a man and a woman sleeping together but as a product of divine purpose. You must see yourself as a divine purpose walking in the flesh, and until you fully discover, pursue and fulfil that purpose, you are not totally redeemed. That is what Christianity is all about. Christianity is not just about deliverance from sin. Deliverance from sin is a means to an end; it is to lead us into the full redemption of our purpose on the earth. We must live out in the flesh the full worth of our purpose on the earth.
Also, take note of the phrase “…if so be that we suffer with Him…”in verse 17b of our text today. There is a suffering in the flesh that leads to the manifestation of the purpose of God. Many people are not willing to suffer.; that is why they don’t get involved with this side of redemption. People like to stay on the side of redemption where miracles happen and they are free from sin and the curse. Know that you are redeemed from sin so that your calling and your purpose can be redeemed unto God.
PRAYER: Father, thank You for my salvation and redemption. I consciously choose Your purpose and call for me today and receive help to fulfil every aspect of it in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Samuel 5:1-7:17; John 6:1-21; Psalm 106:13-31; Proverbs 14:32-33