Discharging burdens happens when you grow to a place spiritually, where you can team up with deity to accomplish His will on the earth in birthing His counsel, purposes and operations. The ability to speak in tongues brings you into that partnership.
God is looking for the most sensitive person around to introduce His burden; what He is feeling about a particular situation, so that He can team up with that person to counter what the devil is bringing and to establish His own counsel. Sometimes, you find yourself sad, you are not sorrowful in the sense that something is making you sad, but you feel like weeping – that is a burden and God wants you to release that. When you do that, the will of God is accomplished. Old Testament prophets like Habakkuk, Nahum, Jonah all walked in this anointing (Hab. 1, Nah. 1, Jon. 1, Eze. 18).
When you find yourself being sorrowful and very heavy amid celebrations, you should excuse yourself, go somewhere and discharge that burden. At times, you can think of someone and have that heaviness come upon you, that is how you will recognise someone that the spirit of death has its gun on, and you are the only sensitive one around the person that God could signal.
If God can trust you in the night when He places a burden in your heart for your family, and you begin to discharge that burden, He will trust you with more assignments.
PRAYER: Lord, I receive sensitivity and accuracy to carry the burden of the Lord successfully, faithfully, and with a sense of responsibility in Jesus’ name.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28, 2 Peter 3:1-18, Psalm 119:129-152, Proverbs 28:21-22