
13 Oct 2021: DANIELS FOLLOW THE DIVINE PATTERN (2) – Genesis 26:25, Daniel 1:19-21

Daniel Company members have both what the world has and what God has; such people are world-class and God-class people. A Daniel is the kind of madam that has a shop in a mall loaded with materials and the occultic merchant executives don’t dare come near her. She sits with them and nothing negative they carry influences her. Instead, she is the one distributing Holy Ghost’s influence on them. Don’t ever think that God doesn’t want you to prosper in any field.

Members of Daniel Company have what the world needs and don’t have to beg for positions. They are not people that can be frustrated; they are men with alternatives that are better than even what they are contesting for.

They have an understanding of where God is taking them. The Church must stop all entertainment and start educating and equipping the saints. The war is already on, and the enemy is ready. God doesn’t want the Church to allow men that are unschooled in the practice and acts of spiritual warfare to jump into the battle. As a member of Daniel Company, you must come to a place where you will not sacrifice the things of the spirit for your career.

Three river heads flow into the lives of the Daniel Company: professional excellence, prophetic accuracy, and fathering. They are the kind of people that will not sacrifice spiritual growth for the sake of a career because they understand what supports what. They don’t get it mixed up!

PRAYER: Father, I receive grace to stay committed to Your mandate

Jeremiah 22:1-23:20, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12, Psalm 83:1-18, Proverbs 25:11-14

Beloved of God,

Greetings of love in Jesus name.

I am glad to inform and invite you to the upcoming 47th ALL NATIONS' WOMEN CONGRESS on world evangelization.

DATE: OCTOBER 22-24, 2021.
TIME: Friday (5pm-8pm), Saturday (8am-2pm), Sunday (8am)

It’s a special Question and Answer time + mentoring clinic on the practical side of women that are heavily involved with the moves of God and deep operations of the Holy Spirit these last days!
*Relationships & Associations
*Business and economic development
*Career advance
*Domestic affairs- housekeeping and all
*Marital issues
*Emotional healing and stability
*self grooming, poise & physical appearance
*Advanced self education
*Fitness and Health plans

VENUE: Dream Centre HQs, Osogbo , Osun State. Nigeria.

Great encounters awaits you in God’s presence!
Be there! all things are ready!
Jesus is Lord!

Rev Oyenike Areogun

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