If you want to be a member of the Daniel Company, you need to go back to the root of authentic Christianity. You must look to the rock from which you were hewn; you have to trace Christianity back to its authentic sources. If you will be what God wants for you, especially young people who are men of ability, you must begin to read the stories of the ancient fathers of the faith.
In this generation, there are not too many models for young people to follow to make it spiritually. The things of the world and the flesh have mingled too much with the things of God. You hear of stories of men that prayed for days and waited in the presence of God for revival, men that sacrificed the best that the world had to pursue the call of God upon their lives. As a Daniel in your day, dig out those books from the archives again and read them.
You can trace the life of David to his ancestry. His great grandmother, Rahab the harlot, left everything to pursue the dream and the vision of God to become an ancestress of Jesus Christ. You must begin to find out the ancient history of Christianity. Sometimes, when I look at modern Christianity, it pains my heart, and I wonder how we got here. This generation of Christians doesn’t go with the vision of God to become an ancestress of Jesus Christ. You must go with it! We have been inoculated by strange gospels that tell you that there is nothing like that, and so the devil is just having a football match on the altars of many churches. Money has become our yardstick of measuring authenticity in ministry which is very tragic.
PRAYER: Help me Lord to hold on to the truth and to be rooted in authentic Christianity.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 23:21-25:38, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17, Psalm 84:1-12, Proverbs 25:15
Beloved of God, Greetings of love in Jesus name. I am glad to inform and invite you to the upcoming 47th ALL NATIONS' WOMEN CONGRESS on world evangelization. DATE: OCTOBER 22-24, 2021. TIME: Friday (5pm-8pm), Saturday (8am-2pm), Sunday (8am) THEME: PRACTICAL LIVING FOR APOSTOLIC WOMEN! It’s a special Question and Answer time + mentoring clinic on the practical side of women that are heavily involved with the moves of God and deep operations of the Holy Spirit these last days! *Relationships & Associations *Business and economic development *Career advance *Domestic affairs- housekeeping and all *Marital issues *Emotional healing and stability *self grooming, poise & physical appearance *Advanced self education *Fitness and Health plans *AND LOTS MORE!! VENUE: Dream Centre HQs, Osogbo , Osun State. Nigeria. Great encounters awaits you in God’s presence! Be there! all things are ready! Jesus is Lord! Rev Oyenike Areogun