The other side of giving is receiving. When you sow, you reap; there is seedtime and then harvest. However, Christians need to understand that receiving from God and the kingdom of God comes through physical channels. When a person with a kingdom assignment (for example, pastor, evangelist, etc.) and another without such assignment obey an instruction in the church to do something, when God wants to bless them, it will be different. He may bless the man of God by moving people to give to him, but he will bless the other person through physical channels.
One of these physical channels through which God brings your receiving is your work. This is very important. It implies that if you don’t have work, you have essentially shut yourself from God’s supply to your life. You cannot generate a wealth flow if you don’t have any work. God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings, but these blessings can only manifest through the work you are doing.
The spiritual blessings we are blessed with need the right body. For blessings to manifest, it is called work.
God can channel your rewards for giving through your callings, job, skills, talents, gifts, grace and relationships. You will need to find the work necessary for each of these seven physical channels of God’s blessing to your life and do it. For instance, if God brought your harvest for obedience, He is going to move through men, but you have to give him the platform through any of these seven channels.
PRAYER: Lord, help me recognise the physical channels of your blessing in my life. Help me to take advantage of these channels to connect to my blessings. The blessings of the Lord will manifest in my work in Jesus’ name.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 51:1-53:12, Ephesians 5:1-33, Psalm 69:19-36, Proverbs 24:7 SPIRIT MEAT ON ANDROID AND iOS Spirit Meat on Android: https://bit.ly/SpiritMeatAndroid Spirit Meat on iOS: https://bit.ly/SpiritMeatIOS YouVersion: http://bible.us/r/CzX ———————————————————— Jesus is Lord! ———————————————————— www.lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org www.soundcloud.com/reverendareogun www.dciradio.org https://bit.ly/SpiritMeatDailyDevotionalWhatsApp YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries +2348037252124 #SpiritMeat #ReverendAreogun ———————————————————— Copyright ©️ 2023 The public is hereby informed that exclusive copyright subsists in this work and therefore any attempt to reproduce, copy, distribute to public for commercial purposes, publish any translation of the work, make any film in respect of the work, make an adaptation of the work, either the whole or substantial part of the work, either in its original form or in any form recognisably derived from the original is an infringement on the right of the author and subject to litigation unless and except the author has officially and clearly authorized the said person or persons or the author is clearly acknowledged in the work.