Having the Holy Ghost means you carry the greatest personality on the earth in you. With this reality, your life is to be a different result from the lives of many Christians who are powerless because of their ignorance of this truth.
The devil becomes powerful only in the lives of Christians who are not allowing the Holy Ghost to move in their lives.
Read John 14:20. Jesus has come now in the Holy Ghost: “At that day ye shall know…” – the last days believers, of whom we are part, are the ones living in the days Jesus spoke about in this quoted part. When Jesus was speaking here, the disciples were not baptised in the Holy Ghost; they were not even born again, but we now have access to salvation and Holy Ghost baptism. It is an awesome thought to know and walk in the reality of the truth “that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you” – that is an interwoven linkage with divinity.
This is the day that you are living in as a believer. So, your life should be a mixture of the manifestation of humanity and divinity. People who see you should know that though you are a man, there is something in you that is not human. And that comes as you begin to allow the Holy Ghost to express Himself in you. The Holy Ghost is God on the earth and God in action now, and not knowing the Holy Ghost is living in ignorance of what God is doing. Everyone baptised in the Holy Spirit is carrying a weapon that the devil is fervently working to ensure he does not understand, respect and unleash. This is so that such a man can deal with the devil normally while he deals with the man spiritually.
PRAYER: Dear Holy Spirit, I yield myself and submit totally to you that you will use my body as your vehicle and find full expression in me to fulfil God’s mandate in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 14:12-16:41, Hebrews 7:18-28, Psalm 106:1-12, Proverbs 27:4-6 SPIRIT MEAT ON ANDROID AND iOS Spirit Meat on Android: https://bit.ly/SpiritMeatAndroid Spirit Meat on iOS: https://bit.ly/SpiritMeatIOS YouVersion: http://bible.us/r/ ———————————————————— Jesus is Lord! ———————————————————— www.lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org www.soundcloud.com/reverendareogun www.dciradio.org https://bit.ly/SpiritMeatDailyDevotionalWhatsApp YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries +2348037252124 #SpiritMeat #ReverendAreogun ———————————————————— Copyright ©️ 2024 The public is hereby informed that exclusive copyright subsists in this work and therefore any attempt to reproduce, copy, distribute to public for commercial purposes, publish any translation of the work, make any film in respect of the work, make an adaptation of the work, either the whole or substantial part of the work, either in its original form or in any form recognisably derived from the original is an infringement on the right of the author and subject to litigation unless and except the author has officially and clearly authorized the said person or persons or the author is clearly acknowledged in the work.