God wants us to operate like those birds in Matthew 6:26. You have never woken up in the morning to see a bird by your window saying, “Excuse me, no breakfast this morning?” They have never complained to anybody. God supplies their food. However, birds still must fly; they must move around to locate what God has provided for them to eat for that day. The lion still must hunt in the bush, but, surely, it would get something. They do their part, and so you must do your own. God has arranged it that every animal gets something to eat – even the animal that the lion will eat would have eaten before the lion gets it as its prey.
The truth is that as powerful as God is, He cannot work in an atmosphere of worry.
This is the more reason many of God’s people do not experience His power and involvement in their lives; they create a toxic atmosphere around their spirit— an atmosphere of worry, tension, and unforgiveness.
God wants us to learn from the birds, He wants you to operate like that by just enjoying yourself every day of your life. Though there are challenges in life with its difficulties, these are part of what makes you who you are supposed to be. If you have a life where there is no challenge, you will not develop at all.
Therefore, do not see those challenges and situations as enemies; see them as provisions that God has made available for your growth.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, I rebuke every spirit that wants to create an atmosphere of worry around my life and affairs in Jesus’ name.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 35:1-36:23, 1 Corinthians 1:1-17, Psalm 27:1-6, Proverbs 20:20-21 SPIRIT MEAT ON ANDROID AND iOS Spirit Meat on Android: https://bit.ly/SpiritMeatAndroid Spirit Meat on iOS: https://bit.ly/SpiritMeatIOS YouVersion: http://bible.us/r/Cmi ———————————————————— Jesus is Lord! ———————————————————— www.lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org www.soundcloud.com/reverendareogun www.dciradio.org https://bit.ly/SpiritMeatDailyDevotionalWhatsApp YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries +2348037252124 #SpiritMeat #ReverendAreogun ———————————————————— Copyright ©️ 2023 The public is hereby informed that exclusive copyright subsists in this work and therefore any attempt to reproduce, copy, distribute to public for commercial purposes, publish any translation of the work, make any film in respect of the work, make an adaptation of the work, either the whole or substantial part of the work, either in its original form or in any form recognisably derived from the original is an infringement on the right of the author and subject to litigation unless and except the author has officially and clearly authorized the said person or persons or the author is clearly acknowledged in the work.