
21 September 2024: LAWS OF KINGDOM WEALTH FLOW (4) – Genesis 22:14, Joshua 1:8, 1 Corinthians 15:10

Today, I will like to show you three more laws of kingdom wealth flow.

11. The Law of the Altar
You must have a functional altar where you and God meet. There is a law of the altar for kingdom wealth. When God made this universe, He created your portion into this world. If you don’t have a portion in this world, you wouldn’t have come. No matter how bad the economy is, your portion is still watched over by God, but it is in the mountain of the Lord that you will see your portion; in the place of interaction with God!

12. The Law of Leadership
I believe that developing leadership in yourself is one of the greatest things you can do to maximise yourself for your tomorrow.

The more you develop yourself to be a leader, the easier it will be for you to explore everything invested into your creation when God was making you.

13. The Law of Priorities
Don’t put other things first and then expect God to be added; put God first, and God will add things to you. For the working class, understand that people who mix up priorities try to find time for God in their very busy schedule; however, build your schedule around your relationship with God. Don’t build your relationship with God around your schedule.

PRAYER: Lord, I thank you for thes guiding principles to generate the kingdom wealth flow. Help me, LORD to hide these words in my heart, and work them daily to the glory of your name.

Isaiah 37:1-38:22, Galatians 6:1-18, Psalm 65:1-13, Proverbs 23:24


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