
15 April 2024: STEPS TO BUILDING A FAITH LIFE (5) – John 1:14

Step 6 – Receive the Manifestation

People say we are ‘name it and claim it’ people: God names His promises for you, and you claim the promises. What do I mean by receiving the manifestation? The promise is the spiritual version. John 1:14 says, ‘…and the word was made flesh’. The Word has a quality; it is convertible. When you have a cheque for fifty thousand naira (N50,000), you can’t spend it in the market, but you have money. When you have a divine promise, you can’t spend it in the market, but you have the answer.
If you are sick and you have a promise, you have the answer to that sickness already. You must know how to convert the spiritual substance of the answer to that sickness to the manifestation.

The Word is convertible! When you begin to build your life, confessions, and actions on the promise, God brings the Holy Spirit to help you in receiving the manifestation.

Another person can’t receive the manifestation for you; you alone must receive the manifestation for yourself.

Look at where we started from; you have the promise, turn it into your revelation, embrace it and be persuaded of it, confess it, turn it into your conversation; weave it into your daily vocabulary, say it in ways that it is real. By the time you are getting to confession, you are close to the manifestation. Practice these steps diligently and watch your faith life produce the fruits of God’s promises.

PRAYER: Dear Father, thank You for opening my heart to these steps; I commit to them to birth the manifestations of Your promises to me. Amen!

Joshua 11:1-12:24, Luke 17:11-37, Psalm 84:1-12, Proverbs 13:5-6


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