
06 March 2024: THE COVENANT COMPLIANT LIFE – Psalms 105:8; 111:5; 106:45

When we say something is ‘compliant’, it means there is a body that sets up a standard that guides certain things. If you want to open a business that deals with food and drugs, an organisation ensures you are compliant with guidelines.

God has planned that the covenant that He cuts with man will regulate human existence on the earth and give man a life on the earth that is reflective of the life in heaven. But the devil wants our lives on the earth to be hell-like, so he lures us into strange covenants.

There are people today that the only resemblance to Jesus they have is that they carry a Bible, they speak in tongues, and they come to church. Every other thing in their life resembles the devil. Their experiences are demonic and instead of finding out what is wrong, they begin to blame God, or they make more effort on the wrong road.

When you are on the wrong road, consistency is not the message for you; change is the message for you.

If you start a business that God wants you to do, though it may be small at the start, applying consistency will grow it. However, if you are on the wrong road, there is no way consistency will help you. It is never too late to stop what is wrong and start what is right. Check your life if it is kingdom covenant compliant as a child of God.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to enjoy and live out a kingdom covenant compliant life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Numbers 6:1-7:89, Mark 12:38-13:13, Psalm 49:1-20, Proverbs 10:27-28


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