


Your confidence, conviction, and assurance about the things of God should not be something you are trying to work up or generate inside your spirit. You cannot convince somebody about Jesus; it is the Holy Ghost that does that. You can only preach!

He (the Holy Spirit) is the one that convicts us of righteousness, our standing and our relationship with God. He convicts us of judgment because “the prince of this world is judged”. He gives you the assurance that the devil is a defeated devil. This explains why you can exercise authority over the devil. The Holy Spirit is the one that convicts you and gives you an assurance of your position with God.

As a Christian, your goal should be to come to a place where speaking in tongues is no longer a religious ritual for you. Speaking in tongues must be as real to you as your phone. The phone is such a good tool that you carry it around, and just as the phone is a tool in your hand,

you must begin to see your ability to speak in tongues in the light of a vital spiritual tool that is of much more importance than a mobile phone.

Your very existence and success on the earth depend on your relationship with the Holy Spirit, and that relationship thrives or shrivels depending on your ability to speak in tongues. Operating under the influence of the Holy Spirit and the power of God is God’s way of preparing His people.

PRAYER: Lord, I will no longer be a victim of the world, circumstances or the devil; I step into my kingdom dominion and power in the Holy Ghost in Jesus name. Amen.

Ezekiel 39:1-40:27; James 2:18-3:18; Psalm 118:1-18; Proverbs 28:2
YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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