The primary root that gives rise to all other issues is separation from God. In Numbers 25, God commanded, “kill them!” This demonstrates how serious it is to allow yourself or your children to become joined to strange spirits; it leads to death. How did the people get joined to Baal Peor? It was through sexual encounters, food, and attending covenanted meetings. Are there married women in your workplace mingling with men who are not their husbands? Will you, as a daughter of God, join them in such behaviour?
I recall a brother from the church years ago whose wife’s job required her to travel with men for extended periods. I advised him that the situation was inappropriate and that he needed to be actively involved in her travels. I warned him that the men his wife was traveling with were likely adulterers and that he needed to be cautious. As Hosea 4:17 states, “Ephraim is joined to idols; let him alone.” May God not leave you alone!
The secret to success lies in having God with you.
In 2 Chronicles 31 and 32, God enabled Hezekiah to succeed, but he didn’t recognize the source of his success until the messengers from the prince of Babylon came. After recovering from illness, Hezekiah mistakenly began to make errors, thinking he could stand alone without God. While a man may continue to function without God, the moment God departs, he is lost! Jonah tried to run away from God, but God pursued him. However, there are those whose actions provoke God to say, “I leave you alone!” May God never leave you!
PRAYER: Father, I ask that You keep me from doing anything that will make You leave me to myself in Jesus’ Name.
Zechariah 2:1-3:10, Revelation 13:1-13:18, Psalm 141:1-10, Proverbs 30:18-20
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