The Holy Spirit knows tomorrow better than you know yesterday. He knows today more than you do and your past more than you know it; there are things in your past that you don t even know anything about.
The Holy Spirit is the one that brings the vital side of the Bible into manifestation as each case requires, otherwise if all we do is take the legal side of the scriptures on everyone, there will be all kinds of losses. Take, for example, the Bible talks of a prudent wife, but it is the Holy Ghost that will lead you to your own prudent wife if you allow Him to become The Leader in your life, your choices and your decisions.
When you make Him your Leader, it simply means you have made the last decision you will ever make on your own.
The Holy Spirit will be the one making the remaining decisions in your life while you just carry them out. This is what makes Christianity real, strong and powerful.
All other religions can survive on the writings of their founders, only Christianity requires a living saviour Jesus Christ, which equals the Holy Ghost alive in you! Jesus is in heaven, it is the Holy Ghost that makes Jesus alive in your life. If you remove the Holy Ghost, Christianity is just a dead religion like others. He is the one that gives your Christianity a colour of divinity and gives an expression to the fruits of Christianity.
PRAYER: Come and take your place Holy Spirit. I open up my life to you. Make Christianity real and alive in me and through me to the world, in Jesus name. Amen.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 7:1-9:11; Hebrews 5:1-14; Psalm 105:1-15; Proverbs 26:28
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