
01 February 2025: START WITH VISION – Proverbs 29:18; Habakkuk 2:2

Last month, the Holy Spirit inspired us with the call to Come Up Higher. This month’s devotional focuses on Living in God’s Faithfulness — a vital principle for sustaining the call to ascend spiritually. Through this journey, I will be showing you practical tools to help maintain and thrive at the new spiritual heights.

A God-given vision is the compass for your journey to the top. Without a clear vision, your efforts will lack direction, and you may find yourself in pursuits that lead nowhere. Consider Joseph in the Bible: his God-given dream gave him purpose even when his circumstances—being sold into slavery, falsely accused, and imprisoned— suggested otherwise.

To embark on your God-ordained journey, you must see beyond your current reality. Are you in a marriage, a career, or an endeavour without a vision? Then it is time to pause and ask the Lord for clarity. A vision will anchor your faith and guide your actions. When God provides clarity, He also supplies the strength and wisdom needed to bring the vision to fruition.

Just as the sun rises consistently, God’s plans are steady and sure. You can rest in this truth: God has destined you for the top. Trust Him to reveal the path as you seek His face in prayer and study of His Word. Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us that God’s plans are for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

A vision is not just about dreaming; it requires intentionality and action.

Write down what God reveals to you and take steps daily to align your life with His purpose. Habakkuk 2:2 instructs us to write the vision and make it plain so we can run with it. When you align your actions with His vision, you position yourself for divine acceleration.

THOUGHT TO PONDER: Where is God leading you in this season of your life? How can you align your actions with His vision for you?

PRAYER: Lord, open my eyes to see the vision You have for me. Help me align my actions with Your purpose. Strengthen me to pursue Your plan with clarity and faith. Amen.

Exodus 13:17-15:18, Matthew 21:23-46, Psalm 26:1-12, Proverbs 6:16-19


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You’re Invited to the 2025 ANNUAL SCHOOL OF MINISTRY (ASOM)


Date: 6th - 8th February 2025 (Thursday - Saturday)
Time (GMT+1):
• Thursday: 5 PM - 9 PM
• Friday: 8 AM - 2 PM & 5 PM - 9 PM
• Saturday: 8 AM - 12 Noon

The Dream Centre Headquarters, Close to November 27 Interchange (Ona baba Ona Bridge) before the State Secretariat, Abere, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria

• Pastor Tunde Jaiyebo
• Rev. Akinlolu Raphael
• Rev. Lekan Babatunde

Register for FREE online at https://solaareogunministries.org/asom
Note: Conference materials go for only #3500.

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All sessions will be streamed live on our platforms:
• www.dciradio.org
• facebook.com/reverendareogun
• youtube.com/@SolaAreogunMinistries/live
• www.dreamcentreoftheloic.org

For accommodation, feeding, books, tapes, and other logistics, please call:
+234 703 415 3461 |+234 706 433 5373

All things are ready. Jesus is LORD!

Rev. Olusola & Oyenike Areogun

Jesus is Lord!

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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