Let us proceed to see how to pray pre-emptive prayers. Praying pre-emptively is not an expression of fear. Pre-emptive prayer is born of the Holy Ghost, based on the Father’s foreknowledge. The devil does not know tomorrow, only God does. The Holy Ghost helps us to set things the way they should be. Thus, pre-emptive prayer is not expressing fear as some people do; it is the Holy Spirit helping you to take hold of the future.
Praying in the Spirit takes you across the barrier of time – out of today into tomorrow.
In the place of speaking in tongues, you can position yourself ahead and traffic into generations. It is a tool of scriptural dominion that the Father gives us.
Praying in the Spirit brings out the hidden things of God and divinely aligns us with the Father’s plan. When you begin to pray, everything that you desire which is not of God begins to leave you and people begin to change their minds about whatever they are doing that is contrary to the word of God.
When you pray in the Spirit, you are securing strength for what is coming ahead and receive strength to go through what you must go through.
In the place of praying in the Spirit, something happens to you individually. Praying in the Spirit is something that affects God, does something to the spirit of the intercessor, and does something to the devil. It also affects your situation.
Praying in the Spirit brings cooperation with the Father’s plan.
Praying in the Spirit causes the enemy to fall into his traps just like Haman did (Est. 7:10).
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I thank You for giving me the Holy Ghost to help me in intercession. Help me, Lord, to take advantage of all You have for me in the Holy Ghost, in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 9:7-10:20; Mark 4:26-5:20; Psalm 37:30-40; Proverbs 10:6-7
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