The Bible admonishes us to give ourselves to prayer. We cannot be effective as Christians without paying attention to prayer. It is in prayer that we can enforce God’s will over our nation.
Many years ago, an anointed man of God who was not educated was my pastor at that time. The counsel of that man never left me. He would tell me in Yoruba (one of the major native languages in Nigeria), “Brother Sola, when you speak to God’s people, put substance into them so that they become as strong as the African iroko tree and not lifeless like the pawpaw tree.” That has been one of my cornerstones in ministry that has led me to teach and preach and not treat church services as entertainment.
This man of God said, “Many of God’s people are like pawpaw tree that is tall but without substance, so, the devil can cut them down easily. However, if you put substance into them, they will become like the African iroko tree and whatever comes against them will suffer hurt and not them.”
So, I want you, reader, to become like trees of righteousness such that anything that the devil throws at you is what will be damaged and not you.
If you are a prayerless Christian, there will be no substance in you to power your life and destiny. Don’t be a casualty on the winning side and don’t suffer personal defeat amid corporate victory. Rise and pray!
PRAYER: Dear Lord, I pray for the power that goes with men who spend time with You to become my possession in the name of Jesus. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 29:1-30:10; Matthew 26:14-46; Psalm 31:19-24; Proverbs 8:14-26
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