
22 October 2022: A GOD-GIVEN VISION WILL AFFECT AND MEET THE NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE – Genesis 41:39-44; 45:5-7

Every human being is composed of two sides: the physical side and the spiritual side. Your ministry to the people God sends you to will no doubt touch these two sides. The vision that God gives to a man of God or a church will reach the people and solve the questions in their lives – physical questions and spiritual questions alike. However, if the vision is only solving the physical questions, it is not complete.

The ultimate goal of solving physical questions of needs, problems, fears, desires, and so on is to bring a person into the spiritual programme of God for his life, which includes destiny, purpose, calling, and so on.

If God is going to bless somebody physically, for example, it is with the ultimate goal that the person is going to walk in the purpose of God for his life; that is part of the spiritual questions in the life of the person. If God is going to heal somebody’s sickness, it is with the purpose of the person walking in the destiny of God for his life and not just for himself.

Daniel was an administrator (and you may call him a politician) in Babylon, but as far as God was concerned, he was a prophet. Joseph knew the assignment side of his position. He knew that the reason God allowed him to become the prime minister in Egypt was primarily to preserve the people of Israel. He met their physical need (provision of food) as well as their spiritual need as we see in Genesis 45:7. So, this is a call for us to understand the assignment side of our career.

PRAYER: Lord, I pray for the grace to live a life that reaches out to the people waiting for me in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Jeremiah 39:1-41:18; 2 Timothy 1:1-18; Psalm 90:1-91:16; Proverbs 26:1-2

Sola Areogun ministries cordially invites all women, ladies, and girls to the upcoming 49th Edition of the All Nations Women’s Congress on World Evangelisation.
Theme: WOMEN IN THE JUBILEE: Operating in Gods liberty, to be the woman God has ordained you to be!

Date: Friday 21st – Saturday 22nd October,2022
Friday 5pm-9pm: Daughters of Abraham’s Deliverance Night
Saturday 8am- 3pm: Day of Jubilee
Venue: Dream Centre Headquarters, Osogbo

Ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit are God’s anointed servants:
Rev. Olusola & Oyenike Areogun [Dream Centre of the Life Oasis International Church]Pastors Moji & Tunde Jaiyebo [Charis Family International Church, Ibadan]And other anointed servants of God
Registration is FREE! Register at https://solaareogunministries.org/anwc/
Congress materials N2,500 only!
For enquiries
Call: +234 907 991 2254; +234 805 953 3180; +234 803 350 6866
Email: lifeoasis@hotmail.com
Livestream on all streaming platforms
Come, all things are yours!
Jesus is Lord!

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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