
19 September 2022: SCRIPTURAL OFFERINGS (3) – Luke 6:38

Still looking at scriptural offerings, we’ll see the last type I’ll be talking about today.

7) First Fruits (Gen. 4:4; Pro. 3:9-10)
This is the first earning of a child of God. It expresses your acknowledgement of God as your Source, Owner, Provider, and Leader, regarding the material side of your earthly walk. Many times, people are confused about this particular offering. However, we don’t have to be confused if we stay in the Bible.

You don’t pay your tithe separately in the month that you pay your first fruit. Everything you earn that month is your first fruit and it is to register your entry into God’s covenant as the Provider of His people.

The Stages of First Fruits:
a) The first time you start working, you are to present your first salary as your first fruit. Your tithe is already included in the first fruit; so, you don’t pay tithe for that month.
b) Every time you get a raise, the increase is your first fruit on the new scale. Then, you pay the tithe on your old salary that month. This first fruit establishes you in His grace on that new level.

People have asked me a lot of questions about this particular offering. One central question is, ‘Should people pay their January salary as a first fruit every year?’ I have not found any scripture to support this. I have only seen the two stages above.

To whom does it belong?
In the Old Testament, God gave the first fruits to the high priest’s office, among other offerings. Today, each ministry has to go to the Holy Spirit, the – Director of God’s work on earth, to know what to do with the first fruit.

PRAYER: Father, I receive grace for complete obedience to honour You with capital and sufficiency from my righteous labours and with the first fruits of all my income in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Isaiah 30:12-33:9; Galatians 5:1-12; Psalm 63:1-11, Proverbs 23:22

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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