The devil often bombards our minds with all kinds of thoughts to bring us to a place of hopelessness. When a man gets to a place of hopelessness, he gives up the fight, abandons himself to his fate, and is ready to die and accept whatever the devil throws at him. God did not plan negative destiny for anybody! Don’t accept lies from the devil.
From the scriptures, the experiences of men who proved the truthfulness of God should give us hope that what God did for them, he will do for us. For a child of God, nothing brings the expectation of change like the word of God. You don’t need to worry about who is thinking against you. God said, “I know the thoughts I am thinking towards you (Jer. 29:11).” The thoughts of God are revealed in the word of God to us. When you get the thoughts of God on an issue, it gives you hope.
Are you expecting an outcome? It is the outcome that you expect that God gives you. The devil paints a negative outcome for you which creates fear and worry, but God has painted the outcome for you in the scriptures. Hope speaks of the outcome you’re expecting, not what you merely wish to happen. You may be in a situation today that looks like the furnace of fire or a lion’s den, but no matter what you are going through, you can believe and have hope for a positive outcome.
PRAYER: Lord, I take authority over every bombardment from the devil against my mind to bring hopelessness into my life. I hold on to Your word for a positive outcome in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Esther 8:1-10:3; 1 Corinthians 12:27-13:13; Psalm 37:1-11; Proverbs 21:23-24
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