
11 November 2023: THE HOLY SPIRIT AND YOUR SPIRIT MAN (2) – ACTS 16:16-18, ACTS 11:5-16, 1 CORINTHIANS 2:9-12

The knowledge of how your spirit contacts you is critical to your success as a Christian on the earth.

3. BEING GRIEVED (Acts 16:16-18): To be grieved means to suddenly have a sinking sensation in the pit of your belly over a matter; you lose all joy on the matter, and an unexplainable sense of sorrow overpowers you concerning the matter.

4. MENTAL IMPRESSIONS (Acts 11:5-16):

One of the ways by which your spirit man brings mental impressions to you is by bringing things to your remembrance.

God contacts your soul by reminding you of things that you might have forgotten. Mental impressions are the superimposition of the thoughts/mind of the Holy Spirit on your own thoughts or the injection of the thoughts of the Holy Ghost into your thoughts different from your own train of thoughts. Mental impressions also come to you by things coming to your mind in a persistent manner. One of the ways by which the spirit man contacts us is through mental impressions impressing His ideas, and notions into our spirit. It is usually not something you are thinking of; it may just happen in a flash and it is always in line with the word of God.

5. REVELATION (I Corinthians 2:9-12): To reveal means to allow to be made known. Revelation is like having a sensation, a light, go up in your belly on an issue and you just suddenly see the thing in its true colour. Revelation is not something that happens for long, it happens in a flash. You have to be alert in your spirit man to be able to catch it.

PRAYER: Lord, I pray for the baptism of the spirit of wisdom and revelation, and that the eyes of my understanding be enlightened in Jesus, name. Amen.

Ezekiel 23:1-49; Hebrews 10:18-39; Psalm 109:1-31; Proverbs 27:13
YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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