I started speaking to you yesterday about the separations you might need to make for the full realisation of God’s plan for your life. Do an audit of your relationships. Relationships bring flows into our lives consciously or unconsciously, innocently or deliberately. Your relationship with men forms a bridge between what flows in their lives and the flows in your life. However, it is the stronger flow that will prevail.
Don’t be frivolous or careless in or with relationships; be wise and deliberate, check out what is going on in the lives of people who are looking to get close to you before opening up to them. Don’t get emotional while choosing whom you relate with. Check men out in the spirit, also check out the lives of the people who relate directly or indirectly with those you relate directly with.
God-ordained relationships bring grace and strength into your life and supply things that you lack. The men of David, even though they were in distress, in debt and discontented at a point, were God-ordained. This is because they supplied to David what he was lacking at that time and David also supplied what they lacked, and they became giant-killers like David; that was a flow from David upon them.
Beloved, don’t be porous with your life, protect your life. Don’t let the enemy in by opening up to negative flows from people around you. One good friend is not enough but one bad friend is too much. Choose your relationships spiritually; don’t be carnal about it. Your flourishing and prosperity in life is affected by who and what you fellowship with.
PRAYER: I receive wisdom to separate men in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 33:1-34:22, 1 Timothy 4:1-16, Psalm 89:1-13, Proverbs 25:23-24
Beloved of God, Greetings of love in Jesus name. I am glad to inform and invite you to the upcoming 47th ALL NATIONS' WOMEN CONGRESS on world evangelization. DATE: OCTOBER 22-24, 2021. TIME: Friday (5pm-8pm), Saturday (8am-2pm), Sunday (8am) THEME: PRACTICAL LIVING FOR APOSTOLIC WOMEN! It’s a special Question and Answer time + mentoring clinic on the practical side of women that are heavily involved with the moves of God and deep operations of the Holy Spirit these last days! *Relationships & Associations *Business and economic development *Career advance *Domestic affairs- housekeeping and all *Marital issues *Emotional healing and stability *self grooming, poise & physical appearance *Advanced self education *Fitness and Health plans *AND LOTS MORE!! VENUE: Dream Centre HQs, Osogbo , Osun State. Nigeria. Registration can be done at https://solaareogunministries.org/anwc Great encounters awaits you in God’s presence! Be there! all things are ready! Jesus is Lord! Rev Oyenike Areogun