
01 November 2024: PRAYING PROFITABLY BY THE SPIRIT – James 5:16, Mark 16:17

Welcome to the month of November! As we move closer to the end of 2024 and gear up for 2025, you need to be sensitive in the spirit, align with the purpose of God, and allow the Holy Spirit to show you what He has prepared ahead of you. I believe that as you take time to pray in the spirit for the days ahead, the heavens will open and you will experience a great outpouring and moves of the Holy Spirit.

This month, I will be sharing sundry topics centred around PRAYING PROFITABLY BY THE SPIRIT. Prayer is something that almost everybody does, but while most people don’t know whether their prayers have been answered or not, many don’t even care. The truth, however, is that everybody wants answers to prayers.

I believe that the Holy Spirit wants me to deal with the subject of praying in tongues and the Holy Spirit this month because the subject of Holy Ghost Baptism and praying in the Spirit is greatly misunderstood.

I will share with you the scriptural purposes of praying in the Spirit to show you why it is so important to speak in tongues. It will also help you, as a child of God, to ascertain that your experience with regards to the subject matter aligns with the Bible. Many people have different positions about speaking in tongues, but it is important to have a biblical position, not a church or personal position on it. Speaking in tongues is one of the signs that identifies a believer in Christ Jesus. Speaking in new tongues has to do with praying in languages that one does not learn. This is different from being able to speak multiple languages as polyglots do (Mark 16:17).

I trust God that at the end of this month, the eyes of your heart will be enlightened, and you will be able to take advantage of the ministry of the Holy Ghost and praying in the spirit.

PRAYER: Lord, I thank you for the gifts of salvation and baptism of the Holy Ghost. I receive a better understanding of the ministry of the Holy Ghost for the manifestation of the purpose of God in my life and destiny in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Ezekiel 1:1-3:15, Hebrews 3:1-19, Psalm 104:1-23, Proverbs 26:24-26


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