
05 November 2024: ACCESSING THE DEEP THINGS OF GOD IN PRAYER (2) – John 14:16-19

It is instructive to note that the longest stretch of teaching that the Lord Jesus Christ did in His three and a half years of ministry on the earth was at the communion table and the last supper, as contained in the Bible from the book of John 13 to John 18. The heart of the teaching was on the Holy Spirit and His ministry. He told His disciples He was going to leave, and they did not like it. They wanted Him to stay, but He said, “It is to your advantage that I go away. If I do not go, He would not come.” That is to say, the Person who is coming is an advantage to the ones that Jesus was leaving behind.

It is vital for you to know the person of the Holy Ghost and master your relationship with Him.

There is no victory or success for a believer who does not have a thriving relationship with the Holy Spirit. It is possible to have the Holy Ghost in your life and not give Him the position that He should occupy because you do not know or refuse to take advantage.

In John 14:17, Jesus said, “Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” When Jesus was making these statements, he was physically with the disciples. But now, He is dwelling in us, and you must know how to turn the indwelling of the Holy Spirit into an outworking of God in your life. The Holy Ghost does not want your body to be a prison to Him. Your body must be a vehicle for the Holy Ghost, and the only way to do this in your relationship with Him is by speaking in tongues.

PRAYER: Lord, I join myself to the active ministry of the Holy Spirit in my affairs, and all that concerns me. I begin to walk in victories that flow from relating with Him in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Ezekiel 12:1-14:11, Hebrews 7:1-17, Psalm 105:37-45, Proverbs 27:3


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