
26 October 2024: PASSING THE TEST OF OFFENCES – Mark 7:24-30, 2 Kings 5:9-14

In the making of a Daniel, one of the greatest areas of test that you will have to face is offences. Years ago, the Lord showed me the danger of offences. I wrote a book titled, Danger of Offences. I advise that you get that book and read it regularly.

The Syrophoenician woman faced humiliation in her discussion with Jesus. Jesus said it was not right to give the children’s meat to dogs. The disciples might have told him, “Send this woman away, she is disturbing us.” That was enough to send her packing, yet she stayed and refused to go. If you were in her shoes, would you have stayed and refused to have anyone put you off?

Offences will shatter anybody’s dream.

In this world, the devil will constantly send things designed to get you offended. When you are in full flight and something just comes up to trip you off in your life, that’s a major test. Jesus likened the Syrophoenician woman to a dog but thank God she stayed and got her miracle.

Naaman had to go through such a test before he could get his breakthrough. When Naaman needed a miracle, he was told that there was a man of God in Israel. The man of God didn’t even show his face. He just told him to go and wash in River Jordan. He got angry, his servants pleaded with him, he obeyed and passed the test.

PRAYER: Lord, help me not to fall for the bait of offences, protect me, and keep me from the trap of offences in Jesus’ name. Amen

Jeremiah 49:23-50:46, Titus 1:1-16, Psalms 97:1-98:9, Proverbs 26:13-16


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