
05 April 2024: THE POWER OF FAITH AND FEAR – 2 Timothy 1:7, Philippians 4:13

If you are going to face, solve, and conquer problems, you must have faith in God.

Two master forces are ruling this world: FAITH and FEAR, and one of these two is always operating in people’s lives.

Sadly, the bulk of humanity is under the influence of fear. The people that are making great advancements in the world are people that operate under the forces of faith but many of them are not operating under faith in God. They have faith in many things, including faith in themselves. A man can have faith in himself and believe he can achieve great things.

I read an article about the ex-presidents of a particular country. The chief of staff to a particular ex-president described him as the most supremely self-confident human being he had ever come across in his life; he simply did not believe there was nothing he could not attempt. He didn’t mention that he had any link to the Bible but he said he was the most supremely self-confident person. You would have met people like that who have that kind of self-belief and you see what they achieve in human societies.

You can’t make any progress under fear. Fear is a paralysing force of evil. If you have natural faith in yourself, you can go far until an authentic problem from hell confronts you. That’s why some unbelievers who have confidence in themselves achieve more than Christians that fear has made the Holy Ghost a prisoner inside them. Your body is either going to be a prison or a vehicle to the Holy Ghost depending on whether faith or fear is moving in your life.

PRAYER: I shut down every spirit of fear operating in my life. Let the spirit of faith take over every form of fear in the name of Jesus. I walk in divine possibilities.

Deuteronomy 28:1-68, Luke 11:14-36, Psalm 77:1-20, Proverbs 12:18


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