God anoints loyalty. Loyalty means “having no alternative to God and the things of the Kingdom”. Show me a wife that is loyal to her husband, who will say, “I have no alternative to you. You are not the best husband, but we will stay together until we change each other to what we need.” That woman will get blessed with the man and vice versa.
Loyalty means “I will sacrifice my interest for the interest of the people I am loyal to.”
I read the story of a successful football coach in America whose wife became paralysed. He willingly resigned at the peak of his career and forfeited the money and fame to stay with his wife and wheeled her around. He was asked why he did that, and he said that the woman had stood by him and sacrificed for him all the days of his life, but she needed him in that condition, and there could not be a better job for him than to stand by her. That is loyalty.
In our text today, what Peter meant was that they had considered leaving but found no alternatives to Jesus. It is not wrong to consider an alternative, but it is right for you to conclude that there is no alternative to the will of God for your life, no alternative to the programme of God for you, and no alternative to the things that God has chosen for you. Anointing comes upon men of loyalty.
PRAYER: Lord, I have no alternative to You. You are my first and final choice, so help me, Lord. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 15:23-16:23; John 18:25-19:22; Psalm 119:113-128; Proverbs 16:10-11 (Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: http://bible.us/r/9XT. Thank you!)
Beloved Woman of God,
Greetings of love in Jesus name!
WOMEN IN FRONT IN ZION 2023 is here again! It is God’s special feast for all the wives of Heads of Christian ministries!
Date: 2nd – 3rd June, 2023
Time: 12 noon on Friday through to 7am on Saturday!
Venue: Dream Centre of the Life Oasis International Church Headquarters, Osogbo, Osun State.
Registration: https://solaareogunministries.org/wifizion
For further enquiries: +234 805 953 3180, +234 907 991 2254
See you there!
You are blessed!
Rev Oyenike Areogun
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