God anoints sound followership. Elisha followed well and got a double portion of the anointing upon Elijah. We must follow sound anointings to receive the right anointing upon our lives. It is the anointing you are following closely that you are going to receive upon yourself.
Don’t follow men who are not anointed.
Some people follow men who are carrying demonic anointings and call them their heroes and godfathers. You can have godfathers around you but be careful how you follow them.
As I was praying one day, God gave me a word for a brother. The Lord sent me to tell him to be careful how he follows his boss at work so that he does not receive the negative flows in the life of his boss into his life. The brother had been missing too many critical things that belonged to him in life. I called the brother over the phone and told him what the Lord said. He responded with gratitude and said he was in front of the door of the boss’ house when I phoned him.
Many people have curses operating in their lives. They may be ahead of you now, but it is only temporary. However, that same thing will operate in your life if you come under that spirit. Elisha followed Elijah, wanted a double portion of his spirit, and received it. Don’t receive spirits from outside; receive spirits from the Kingdom because God anoints sound followership.
PRAYER: Father, I refuse to be a wrong follower. From today, I commit myself to be a responsible and sound follower of Christ in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Samuel 24:1-25:44; John 10:22-42; Psalm 116:1-19; Proverbs 15:20-21 (Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: http://bible.us/r/9XT. Thank you!)
Beloved Woman of God,
Greetings of love in Jesus name!
WOMEN IN FRONT IN ZION 2023 is here again! It is God’s special feast for all the wives of Heads of Christian ministries!
Date: 2nd – 3rd March, 2023
Time: 12 noon on Friday through to 7am on Saturday!
Venue: Dream Centre of the Life Oasis International Church Headquarters, Osogbo, Osun State.
Registration: https://solaareogunministries.org/wifizion
For further enquiries: +234 805 953 3180, +234 907 991 2254
See you there!
You are blessed!
Rev Oyenike Areogun
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