
19 April 2023: DON’T HAVE A GOAT’S NATURE IN GOD’S FAMILY – Matthew 26:36-42

The first law in hell is, “Do as you will.” In the Kingdom of God, however, the first law is, “Do as He wills.” The will of God sets the order and structure for the Kingdom of God.  The greatest battle for humanity was not fought on the cross; it was fought in the garden of Gethsemane between Jesus’ flesh and God’s divine authority. Eventually, Jesus said, “…not as I will, but as thou (God) wilt (Mat. 26:39).

When God can bring you to a place that His will dominates your will, you will become a dangerous weapon to the devil’s operation in His hands. If your will is what rules your life, the devil will have his way, and it is only a matter of time before he has victory over such a person.

Like a goat with an ever-disobedient nature, when a Christian walks in disobedience, he may initially look smarter than the Christian walking in obedience, but the result of smartness is often temporary before the devil knocks him/her out. When an occasional attitude of disobedience is fully formed, it becomes a nature of disobedience that is supervised by a spirit of pride. When pride comes upon a Christian due to the constant practise of disobedience, God becomes his enemy because God resists the proud. This way, the devil has positioned that Christian for sure defeat.  Even when proud people are hurting, they would not go to God for help because they are looking to show off.

PRAYER: Father, I sustain my attitude of obedience to Your will. I resist every wrong attitude that will lead to failure in my life in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Joshua 19:1-20:9; Luke 19:28-48; Psalm 88:1-18; Proverbs 13:12 -14

(Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: http://bible.us/r/9XT. Thank you!) 

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