

Intercession is the act of standing in the gap to pray to God on behalf of someone, something, or a people so that the mind and purpose of God are birthed while demonic operations are averted on the earth. It is not something for ministers of God alone but our corporate destiny as believers because we are the people that God can use to birth His will on earth.

Jonah faced some storms on his way to Nineveh, but God had prepared a fish to swallow him. When the storm became outrageous, every man called upon his god and Jonah was the only one sleeping. They woke him, “O sleeper? Arise, call upon thy God, if so be that God will think upon us, that we perish not (Jon. 1:6).” In the moment of crisis, everyone calls on his God. Who is your God? What you know that works is your god. Though some people claim to be born again, when things reach the crunch, it is not the church they come to but travel home.

Praying for one another is a corporate destiny; it is a Kingdom policy and it is something that God has put in place for us.

James 5:16 says, “Confess your faults one to another.” In that scripture were Apostle Paul, his son in the ministry, Timothy, and the brethren which were the saints or the Christians. You cannot go and report any matter to your unbelieving mother.

Anytime a Christian willingly allows mediums to be consulted on his/her behalf, he/she has opened the door of the demonic realm to invite demonic spirits to traffic in his/her matter. So, you must stop reporting matters to unsaved parents and relatives who you know will not call on God and won’t rest until they have done something. Once you invite other spirits into your matter, the Holy Spirit folds His hand.

PRAYER: Father, I thank You because I am Your righteousness in Christ Jesus and my prayer avails much. I accept my assignment of intercession and I thank You for victory is mine in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Leviticus 14:1-57; Mark 6:30-56; Psalm 40:1-10; Proverbs 10:11-12

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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