From the study of yesterday, we have been able to establish the critical advantage a believer has in sustaining the Holy Spirit’s ministry in his or her life. Some of the ministries of the Holy Spirit were discussed yesterday and we will discuss further today on the same subject.
3. He manifests gifts of the Spirit while praying: The Holy Spirit in prayers takes our spirits into the realm where we begin to pray prophetic prayers (Joh. 16:13). He takes hold together with our recreated human spirit for the manifestations of spiritual gifts.
4. He leads us in private and true worship of God (Joh. 4:24): Worship is giving expression in words and acts to an internal revelation of God that you have.
As God’s people, we must be careful in praise and worship. We must be careful that we are not bringing culture into our praise and worship. We must let the Word of God lead us into accurate worship of the Father.
You must do worship. Worship is different from praise. Praise is celebrating God for what He can do. Thanksgiving is returning to God to appreciate Him for what He has done but worship is the highest because it is coming to God for Who He is and not what He has done or what He can do. It is not a function of whether He blesses you or not. This is where the Holy Spirit comes in to help you bring acceptable worship to the Father.
PRAYER: Holy Spirit, help me to bring acceptable worship to the Father in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 46:1-47:31; Matthew 15:1-28; Psalm 19:1-14; Proverbs 4:14-19
Dearly Beloved of God,
Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
You are specially invited to the 2023 edition of our ANNUAL SCHOOL OF MINISTRY (ASOM)
Every year, ASOM has been a mountain where God’s servants; Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers, Heads of Ministries, Associate Pastors, Missionaries and all those in active ministry come to refresh, renew, re-fire their spirits and encounter the God of their calling. It is also a place of clarification and supply of understanding for those that have perceived God’s call and want to fulfill it.
The details of this year’s edition of ASOM are as follows:
Date: 2nd – 4th February, 2023 (Thursday – Saturday).
Time (GMT+1):
Thursday: 5pm – 9pm
Friday: 8am – 2pm, 5pm – 9pm
Saturday: 8am – 12noon
There will be a special closed session for heads of ministries on Friday 12 noon – 2pm; strictly by invitation. To be invited, kindly call +234 803 338 7295
Venue: The Dream Centre Headquarters, Close to November 27 Interchange (Ona baba Ona Bridge) before the State Secretariat, Abere, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria
Joining us to minister are God’s servants; REV. (DR.) JOHN IDOWU and REV. (DR.) LEKAN BABATUNDE
Registration: To register, go to https://solaareogunministries.org/asom/ for online registration OR register on arrival at the conference. Registration is FREE. The conference materials-Books and manual for #5000 only.
All sessions will be streamed online on our streaming platforms.
YouTube: https://youtube.com/DreamCentreLiveSTREAMING/live
Church Website: https://lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org/streaming/
dciradio: http://dciradio.org
Mixlr: https://mixlr.com/reverendareogun
Telegram: https://t.me/DCNewLiveUpdates?livestream
Facebook: http://facebook.com/ReverendAreogun
Viewing centres location can be checked via https://lifeoasisinternationalchurch.org/asom-viewing-centres-location/
Enquiries: For enquiries on accommodation, feeding, tapes and books from this conference and other logistics, please call +2349079912254; +2348036207471; +2347064335373 and +2348037252124.
All things are ready.
Jesus is LORD!
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