
21 February 2023: THE BLESSINGS OF PRE-EMPTIVE PRAYERS (1) – Romans 8:26-28; Genesis 25:21-23; Luke 22:31-32

Today, I want to begin to show you some of the blessings of pre-emptive prayers.

1. The first blessing is Divine Revelation. Praying over the future brings about divine revelation.

The hand of the Lord came upon me many years ago. My husband was already in ministry, we were engaged, and I was just praying. The future looked so bleak, and I couldn’t see anything. All my friends had plans – some were planning to go to the UK, Jamaica, and different places – but I couldn’t see anything. So, I set some time apart to pray in the Holy Ghost. I slept off that night and had night vision. God opened my spirit and I saw my fiancé then, now my husband and spiritual father, Rev. Olusola Areogun, carrying a flag in the spirit. That flag was big, mighty, and shining and he was matching like a warrior on a pavement that was like gold. Everything was just glorious, and I saw written on that flag, “OLUSOLA AREOGUN ON GLORY LAND.” I came out of that vision with a deep burden of the Lord, and I began to weep like a baby. I found myself crying and shouting, “I will join him.” So, my joining him is not in the flesh; it is something that was birthed forth many years ago in the Spirit.

Learn to pray pre-emptive prayers.

When you are getting into a new class, pray over that class. When you are getting into the university, pray over those years and set the whole period apart. For example, you can pray like this: “In this courtship or marriage that I am going into, I want to birth forth the counsel of the Lord”. Before you know it, the things of God will unfold in your life.

PRAYER: Father, I thank You for the blessing of divine revelation available to me. I connect to every divine revelation of the future available for me in the Holy Ghost in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Leviticus 11:1-12:8; Mark 5:21-43; Psalm 38:1-22; Proverbs 10:8-9

YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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