
04 August 2022: THE GOD OF THE POSITIVE OUTCOME – Jeremiah 29:11; Hebrews 11:9-11

Knowing who holds the future and walking with that person is enough assurance that the future will be well for you. You may not know where you are going but you must know Who is going ahead of you – He is the God of heaven and you must commit your life to that God. Though you may not know all the details of the journey, you must be sure that the God of positive outcomes is your God.

God assigns angels to deal with the process while He deals with the outcome. There is a difference between the process and the outcome. Many times, your mind wants to understand the process before accepting God’s promises, but God says, “You just believe Me and I will give you a positive outcome. Do all that you have to do according to My word during the process and the outcome will be a reality.”

You may not know what to do but you can judge God faithful to keep His promise. Every other person may be unfaithful, but I tell you, the testimony of every person that has walked with God from Adam to the last person that will ever walk with God is that “God is faithful”.

You may be wondering, “Where will it end?” Don’t worry about the end. God says He will “give you an expected end (Jer. 29:11).” God holds your future in His hands. It doesn’t matter what the present is, the things of tomorrow are superior to all the failures and achievements of the past and today.

PRAYER: Lord, if You did it for men of old, You can do it for me. I receive every outcome You have written and planned over the circumstances I am going through in Jesus’ name. Amen!

2 Chronicles 35:1-36:23; 1 Corinthians 1:1-17; Psalm 27:1-6; Proverbs 20:20-21

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