In the next few days, I will be showing you the roles a true Christian must play in these last days. As we’ve seen so far, we, as Christians, are to represent God’s glory to the world. In doing this, there are many roles God expects us to play on earth. The first of these is becoming a man/woman of great faith.
As Christians, God has called us to function as men of great faith in the world. From our text today, we see that faith is the foundation on which Christianity rests. You can’t be a true Christian without faith. Faith is the structure on which we stand as Christians. It is by faith that we can properly accept God’s word as it is written in the Bible, through God’s servants, and directly to our hearts.
Our faith is the very proof we have that God exists, all He has told us will happen, and there is a reward waiting for us at the end of our race. A Christian who doesn’t walk in faith is like a man who doesn’t know he’s a human being and spends his life living like an animal.
Faith is our prescribed means of living on the earth (Hab. 2:4b). Everything you need to fulfil your divine destiny to the fullest is already available. All you need to do is to reach out in faith and claim it. God expects you, as His child, to function in the realm of faith. When you are in this realm, the devil cannot defeat you.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, help me to function here on earth as a man/woman of great faith in Jesus’ name. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 26:12-27:34; Romans 4:13-5:5; Psalm 14:1-7; Proverbs 19:17