
13 May 2022: GOD’S BLESSINGS AND YOUR CALLING (2) – Esther 4:13 -14, Nehemiah 1; 2:1-8

Esther had a mentor. Most people fail in life because they lack the right mentors in their lives. You need the right mentor to show you how to use your position to fulfil your purpose. If Mordecai were like many mentors in the body of Christ today, he could have enjoyed the affluence of the position of Esther without counselling her to utilise that position to fulfil God’s purpose. I pray that God will bless you with the right voices in your life that will direct you to your purpose and not enjoy your blessing alone.

The calling is your true identity to your generation. Anything you are doing in the physical is just a platform. You must go ahead to use that platform to release your calling. Nehemiah, for example, had the most trusted position in Babylon at that time. He was the only Jew that could do something about the condition of Jerusalem. That was his purpose, yet he could have stayed in that position of honour and said, “Well, after all, it does not concern me. I am not in that land. I am all right here”.

You could be a Christian that God has given such a high position of influence and affluence in the world. Why has God given it to you? What does God want you to advance in His kingdom by making you the way you are, something that you only can do? Joseph of Arimathea was raised to receive the body of Jesus and give it a decent burial. He was a secret disciple, but that was his purpose. What are you raised to do? Do not let anything hold you back.

PRAYER: Father, show me how to use my position(s) and platform(s) to fulfil your purpose for my life in Jesus’ name.

1 Samuel 14:1-52, John 7:31-53, Psalm 109:1-31, Proverbs 15:5-7

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