
11 April 2024: HOW TO BUILD A GOOD FAITH LIFE (2) – Hebrews 11:13a, Romans 4:16-21

Step 2 – Turn the Promise to Revelation

Spectacles may be required to correct an eye defect. In the same vein, the promises or prophecies God gives you help you to see correctly what is on offer for your life. A person with a promise/prophecy is not a person to be pitied. Ensure you see life correctly through the spectacles of God’s promises for your life. As long as the promises are from God, always have it at the back of your mind that you are going somewhere to keep an appointment with what can never fail! (Mattew 5:18)

The reason most people’s faith was truncated is that they were looking at the wrong thing.

God’s promises MUST be your revelation and focus; otherwise, the devil will derail and shipwreck your faith. Abraham told God He had not given him any heir but God told him to count the stars in the sky, telling him that was how his seeds will be on the earth. Each time Abraham’s faith was confronted by unbelief, he only had to see Sarah’s womb through those stars in the sky! (Romans 4:19)

There is a work of faith! Whenever your mind strays to your condition, you must pull it back to your promise and use that promise to correct whatever short-sightedness the devil is throwing at you. Your action, confession, and resistance must be built on the word of promise or prophecy that the LORD has given you. That must be the revelation you carry always!

PRAYER: Dear Lord, at every point in time, help me to focus on the promise and not my situation so that I can emerge victorious, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Joshua 3:1-4:24, Luke 14:7-35, Psalm 80:1-19, Proverbs 12:27-28


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