
29 February 2024: JESUS: JEHOVAH CONCENTRATE! – Psalm 20:7-8, Philippians 2:10

You must know the name of the Lord you are standing on per time! The name of the Lord that you know is going to be the answer to your petition. For instance, if you are dealing with a financial or material need, Jehovah Shalom or Jehovah Rapha may not be the name of the Lord that you run to at that point in time. In that case, Jehovah Jireh is the key!

Your revelation of God is usually characterized by the name of the Lord that you “know”. I am not talking about a “careless” or “shallow” knowledge, I am talking about a “revelational” knowledge! Did you notice that David knew the Lord as a shepherd because he had a revelation of what the duty of the shepherd is and he was able to break into the revelation of God as his shepherd? The name of the Lord you have a revelation of reveals how well or how deep you “know” the Lord.

One thing you must understand is – the best place to know God is in the word of God (the Bible).

Study the bible and get your authentic revelations of God from there. All the names of the Lord we have mentioned in this devotional this month are the foundational names, but there are many more in the Bible. However, all these names are concentrated in One Name – JESUS!

JESUS is the name God has given to us for everything! Use it well. Use it wisely. Use it with proper understanding. Jesus is the name above every other name – cancer, poverty, fear, sickness, loneliness, pain – name it. JESUS IS THE KEY!!!

PRAYER: Father, thank You for the name that is above every other name. I receive grace to know the name of Jesus more and more, and to maximize it to the fullest. Amen!

Leviticus 22:17-23:44, Mark 9:30-10:12, Psalm 44:1-8, Proverbs 10:19

(Please note that you can follow this month's devotional on YouVersions's The Bible App using the link: http://bible.us/r/)


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