
04 November 2023: THE HOLY GHOST OUR PARAKLETOS – JOHN 16:7-16


This is the regime of the Holy Ghost. To neglect Him is to neglect God, and not to know Him is not to know God. Fellowshipping with God begins with knowing the Holy Spirit. You can t fellowship with God without the help of the Holy Ghost. He is the one that knows the Father and Jesus, and He helps us to please them.

The Holy Ghost is called ‘Parakletos‘, someone that comes/works alongside to speak on your behalf. He is there to speak in the most favourable light for you. He helps you to come to the presence of the Father in the most acceptable way at that moment. He can tell you to come before the Father with praise and not petitions in the morning.

If you will be a man after the heart and not just the hand of God, you need the Holy Ghost.

He is your best guide to walk with the father. Jesus did not start His ministry until the Holy Ghost came upon Him. Also, you cannot function effectively as a Christian until the Holy Ghost is allowed to express Himself in your life.
Beloved, will you cross over from dry to real Christianity? It takes more than being baptized in the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues. Will you allow the Holy Spirit to be The Leader in your life?

PRAYER: Holy Spirit, lead me after the heart of the Father. I give you room to lead me and I take full advantage of your role in my life in Jesus name. Amen.

Ezekiel 10:1-11:25; Hebrews 6:1-20; Psalm 105:16-36; Proverbs 27:1-2


YouTube Channel- Sola Areogun Ministries

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