Thanksgiving is one of the keys to refreshing the spirit of faith because before you can thank God, you must recollect what He has done, and when you do that, it reassures you that He can do it again. People who are stingy with their thanksgiving also destroy the spirit of faith in them. Let me give you a clue: thank God for the last thing He did for you until you get another one. Don’t look around at what He has not done; look for something God has done and thank Him until He does the next one.
Thanksgiving is one force that releases the spirit of faith.
You can’t work on renewing the spirit of faith when you grumble and complain. Some people have owed God thanksgiving for the past 20 years of their lives. Such people are taking God for granted. Think of three things God did in your life that touched your heart, verbalise them in thanksgiving to Him, and see what happens on your inside – either doubt will be there or faith will rise.
If you are sick, take time to thank God for the last time He healed you because it will stir up your faith. Before David confronted Goliath, he recalled the experiences of the lion and the bear and said the same God Who helped him in those two encounters would come through for him regarding Goliath. That was renewing the spirit of faith. Thanksgiving can become thanks-living when you look for something to thank God for all the time.
PRAYER: Lord, I will not be an ungrateful child of God. I will not take God for granted or owe the seed of gratitude. Amen!
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezra 10:1-44; 1 Corinthians 6:1-20; Psalm 31:9-18; Proverbs 21:3 (Please note that you can follow this months devotional on YouVersion's The Bible App using this link: http://bible.us/r/A6u)
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