
16 August 2023: HEAR THE WORD IN THE AREA YOU ARE BELIEVING GOD FOR – Luke 5:15; Luke 6:17


Faith varies. There is faith for healing, salvation, deliverance, provision, and so on. No one gets saved without hearing the Gospel first. 

Every believer got saved when they heard the Gospel because faith for salvation came.

You can have faith for salvation and not have faith for healing because you have not heard any word about healing. In Acts 19, the Bible says Paul met some disciples who believed in Jesus but didn’t know about the Holy Ghost. So, they were not speaking in tongues, and the Holy Ghost had come years before that time. Paul asked, “Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?” They said, “We have not even heard if there’s anything called the Holy Ghost.” Since they had not heard, they couldn’t have faith for the Holy Ghost to come into their lives, but that does not mean that the Holy Ghost is not operating on the earth.

You could have four Christians who go to Gospel churches, but one of them attends a church where they don’t teach and believe in healing and doesn’t believe in healing too. How does one believe in healing? How does faith for healing come? It is by hearing the teachings on healing. What you have not heard the word of God on, you cannot have faith for. So, go and hear. Create time to hear the truth which liberates.

PRAYER: Father, I receive grace to pay serious attention to hearing Your word, especially in the area I am trusting You for intervention. Amen!

Nehemiah 11:1-12:26; 1 Corinthians 10:14-33; Psalm 34:11-22; Proverbs 21:14-16

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